Helping Transform Healthcare

Helping Transform Healthcare

Few industries have experienced the adoption of new technology more rapidly or more expansively than the healthcare industry. These innovations have been driven, in part, by clinical advancements that have improved our ability to diagnose and treat diseases. Powerful imaging technology gives physicians the ability to literally see inside a patient’s body with stunning clarity. New robotic devices allow surgeons to operate with minimal downtime and fewer complications than ever before. Technology has even given hope to those who have suffered spinal cord injuries and lost the ability to walk.

The Healthchat Video Telemedicine Solution helping Transform Healthcare

In addition to miraculous breakthroughs to improve clinical care, technological innovations in healthcare have also resulted from legislation. These relatively new regulations encourage the use of technology to reduce the cost of delivering care and to improve the exchange of information between care providers and insurance companies, which can help transform healthcare.

However, despite the progress we have made, healthcare consumers still face numerous obstacles and inefficiencies in their ability to access care.

After spending much of my career managing technology for healthcare payers, and spending time with doctors and patients to understand their pain points and difficulties, I saw the need for a simpler, more efficient way for people to communicate about their health issues.

Healthchat was developed as a way for patients to reach their own doctor in a fast, simple and personal way. It has evolved into a robust platform that not only helps patients, but now helps healthcare professionals collaborate seamlessly with each other in the easiest and fastest possible way.


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